What the heck
are cosplay
Minimal skills needed to conceptualize and craft; often closet cosplays or limited sewing with light assembly; able to follow some patterns and tutorials; simple/no tools or materials needed.
Understanding of basic principles from concept to end result, accounting for waste, physics, etc. with a broader set of skills; able to follow patterns/tutorials and increased comfort with other techniques
Confidence with combining media, materials, and body dynamics/physics; proven efficiency in 2+ skills with ability to innovate and optimize; can combine tutorials and skills to create
Proficient in varied media, tools, and materials with experience in creating moving parts with durability; able to produce “complete” looks primarily using toolkit and skills
Repeated capability in design to execution with wide range of processes; can provide extensive knowledge about skills and be able to showcase abilities
Exceeds standards consistently in most skills with extensive knowledge to create extremely wide range of cosplays; can uses some techniques reserved for tenured cosplay
Comprehensive knowledge and execution of virtually any skill; cosplays consist of moving parts, gravity defying physics, pyrotechnics, etc, often backed by deep understanding of crafts